Interstitial Cystitis Flare – 08/07/2019

Content warnings: blood, intimate details of my nether regions, urine








Things have been epically stressful in my life since June 24th.

I thought I was taking enough care with what I was eating and drinking. After all, it’s been YEARS LITERALLY since my Interstitial Cystitis was any sort of issue. It’s been so long I had to look up relief methods.

The flare isn’t entirely unexpected, but it still caught me a bit off guard. Symptoms include high pain levels (ache/burn) in my nether regions and lower abdomen, bladder spasms, urgency, light bleeding.

I have medicating with CBD/THC, acetaminophen, naproxen, and cyclobenzaprine. Drinking lots of water. Avoiding all trigger foods.

Naproxen Fast

My stomach has been bothering me a lot lately. I tried cutting out coffee. Black tea was mildly problematic. The issue being coffee is the best at helping control my ADHD. Didn’t really help.

A few years back my Rheumatologist prescribed acid reducers to take with the Naproxen. It was the same visit she told me to stop taking them as needed and just take them daily. My Rheumy really isn’t big on medication so I take it pretty seriously when she tells me to take things daily.

I’ll be trying seven days without Naproxen. Then we’ll go from there. I’m working a bit less right now so it may work out well. My bloodwork is the best it’s been since before I started breeding. So maybe, just maybe, I can successfully cut back to “as needed” again.

Currently prescribed 500mg of Naproxen, twice a day.

My other reason for dropping it is because I’ve started getting migraines. They generally aren’t hideously painful but they last for days. I’m currently on day four of one right now. The migraine meds that actually work are a high level anti-inflammatory that I cannot take with my two doses of Naproxen due to risking toxicity.

Right now treating my uncontrolled migraines is more important than my very well controlled arthritis.

Wish me luck!